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Monday, July 6, 2009

Learning in Toyland

INFOFisher Price: Learning in Toyland PC Win95 - XP Educational Game DAA DAA Archive requires PowerISO to mount,burn,or convert to regular ISO Learning is child's play in this activity-packed adventure filled with popular Fisher-Price toys.Six exciting toylands set the stage for learning games,sing-along songs,and engaging interactive activities.Kids can play two ways,either by following the instructions of the narrator (instructive) or by exploring each activity individually (open-ended).Plus,kids can print out and color many of their own creations.It all makes learning fun in Toyland.


Time to play - Pet shop

INFOFisher Price Pet Shop PC Win95 - XP Educational Game DAA DAA Archive requires PowerISO to mount,burn,or convert to regular ISO Animal lovers are in business when they set up shop with their favorite furry and feathered friends.There is a lot to do: the pets need washing,grooming,feeding and maybe even a trip to the vet.Then its feet up and time to join in the sing-a-long!Benefits: Helps children learn about animals * Encourages responsibility Promotes art and creativity * Inspires imaginative play * Builds early computer skills


Play & Learn - Reading & Counting

INFOPC Win95 - XP Educational Software DAA101 games to help children learn and count!This is the first disc in the Play & Learn mini-series.You'll find it packed full of amazingly fun activities - all designed to encourage and entertain preschoolers!


Scholastic Adventures Magic Schoolbus - In Concert

INFOPC Win 98 - XP Educational DAABirds twitter,didjeridoos moan,and an excited Ms.Frizzle hits the high notes as she explains the science of sound and teaches kids to listen creatively.On the bus,kids can hear what different sounds do in different locations with the Acoust-O-Matic,play Name That Noise with Mikey Microphone,or learn how sound travels in the Wild Waves experiment; there's even an ultrasound and an oscilloscope onboard.Outside there are more activities,and the kids take the concert stage with various instruments they play and explain.The program hums,roars,and ooompas right along.Sound is everywhere in this inspired,informative bunch of racket: jets whoosh above in the sky,and thunderclouds grumble.Two ingenious touches are a microphone kids can drag about the set to record sounds (it even produces feedback if you brush the cursor against it) and a pair of click-and-drag goggles that show how different sound waves look when they're laid over an instrument.Don't buy this expecting a music theory class--there's not a treble clef to be found unless you count the one on Ms.Frizzle's skirt--but for a child who's all ears,curious about how tape recorders work and why bats squeak,it's sure to hit just the right note.


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